9.30 - 9.45
Introduction and Welcome Address
Opening Prayer
Adam Halsey
Session 1 - Working Together - Framework
9.45 - 10.45
10.45 - 10.55
10.55 - 11.30
Roisin Maguire explains the collaborative work of various Religious Orders and the setting up of a new National Association of Religious Orders in education who are Trustees or Founders of schools and colleges.
How this might work in England and Wales under Civil Law – structures/lay management
Consideration of the Canon Law implications of this
Coffee break
Robert Meakin
Roisin Maguire
Stephen Ravenscroft
Dr Helen Costigane
Session 2 - Working Together - Funding
11.30 - 12.30
12.30 - 12.40
12.40 - 14.00
Canon Nick Ralph discusses the practical aspects of social enterprise collaboration between the diocese, parishes, community groups and public sector
Investment issues – examining methods of structuring and financing joint working including both domestic and international collaboration
Consideration of tax matters associated with collaborative working (including cross border grant making)
Dr Helen Costigane will consider the canonic implications of the structures and ideas discussed
David Sewell
The Revd Canon Nick Ralf
Adam Halsey
Alice Palmer
Dr Helen Costigane
Session 3 - Immigration issues and the end of free movement - Brexit planning and support
14.00 - 15.00
15.00 - 15.10
Brexit – an update and discussion on the
implications to the end of free movement -
Sponsorship – compliance and ongoing
duties -
Right to Work checks – relying on a ‘statutory excuse’
Jane Askew
Julie Moktadir
Harriet Broughton
Session 4 - Question Panel
15.10 - 15.55
15.55 - 16.00
16.00 - 16.30
Dr Helen Costigane, Programme Director – Theology, St Mary’s University, Twickenham London
Adam Halsey, Partner, haymacintyre
Julie Moktadir, Partner, Stone King LLP
Conference Close
Refreshments served in the Assembly Hall
Tim Rutherford
Adam Halsey